Arnaud FORTIN - Partner

Arnaud brings over 25 years of financial and strategic expertise to managers and investors. With extensive experience in valuation, his advice is highly sought after in situations of conflicts of interest, commercial litigation and shareholder issues during financial transactions (M&A, Ipo, takeover bid, stock buyback). 

Arnaud has an intensive practice in production of fairness opinions and drafting of strategic and financial reports. He is regularly involved in the financial analysis and valuation of large groups, in the analysis of financing issues, and in intellectual property rights and assets valuation.

Arnaud is a renowned expert in economic and strategic consulting in France and Maghreb, having assisted major institutions (European Investment Bank, Caisse des Dépôts, etc.) and Ministries (Ministry of Economy and Finance) in matters of institutional development and competitiveness, creation of investment funds and support for the economic fabric. Before founding EUROCIF in 2005, Arnaud worked for many years in investment banking, in the consulting firm Eurogroup Mazars and investment companies (brokerage firms Axfin Consors BNP, Aurel BGC subsidiary of the American financial services company BGC Partners).

Arnaud is a Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA), holder of an International Certificate in Corporate Finance (ICCF HEC), a university degree in Business English, a graduate of the University of Aix-Marseille III (M2 Finance) and a member of the French Society of Financial Analysts (SFAF).

Airlines, maritime, digital services, software publishing, digital, retail, cleantech, agri-food, industry, transport logistics, hospitality.

Skills :
Financial analysis and valuation, modelling, M&A/private equity, financing and investment, strategy consulting, sector competitiveness, benchmarking and business litigation.

Publications :
- March 2019: Investment and profitability issues for ports, SFAF magazine Analyse financière n°70.
- June 2010: "Stratégie des Transports en Afrique", Analyse financière n°35 SFAF magazine
- January 2006: "Offshore: New strategies", Analyse financière n°18 SFAF magazine

- White paper on the study of the introduction of a funded pension system,
- Dissertation on the international comparison of price-earnings ratios
- Dissertation on the development of UCITS on the Casablanca Stock Exchange

Languages: French, English




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